Our Approach

In our work, we use a systems approach; we recognise that unsustainable practices are often the result of complex systems. By supporting sustainability transitions, we aim to address the primary causes of problems in existing systems. Addressing these problems requires collaboration with partners. That is why we develop and carry out projects in close cooperation with local and international stakeholders, partner organisations and other often with local experts. In our projects, we contribute by:

Raising awareness about opportunities for the export of sustainable products and services to European and regional markets; Building the capacity of Exporters and service providers in the ecosystem of small and medium. Exporters Providing knowledge on markets and their requirements via our market information platform; Providing support to address CSR-related risks and opportunities. This includes (self)-assessments and the development and implementation of action plans and codes of conduct at the SME level; Supporting sector and value chain links, including linkages and matchmaking with market players; and Promoting the use of sustainable technologies and management practices to help minimize the impact on the environment.