Privacy & Disclaimer

Airfreight Exporters Association, Ghana

Whether you apply for a project, sign up for a newsletter, or register for an event, AFEA handles your personal data with the utmost care.
Airfreight Exporters Association only uses your data for the purpose of processing the particular activity for which you supplied your details. The Association does not retain your personal data for longer than necessary.

Privacy statement
Airfreight Exporters Association acts in accordance with the privacy policy of the Government of Ghana

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
The main rules with regard to handling personal data are described in the General Data Protection Regulation. This Regulation protects your privacy. The same privacy legislation applies to the whole of the Ghana. The Ghana Data Protection Authority monitors adherence to legislation pertaining to the protection of personal data.

Your rights
Under the GDPR you have various rights. For instance, you have the right to view or rectify your personal data. If you wish to exercise these rights, contact us.

Data Protection Officer
Do you have a specific question or do you want to issue a complaint? Please sending a letter

To Ghana Data Protection Commission

Disclaimer: Airfreight Exporters Association information tools
Although the content of its market information tools has been compiled with the greatest care, the Association for the Promotion of Imports from its members is not able to guarantee that the information provided is accurate and/or exhaustive, and cannot be held liable for claims pertaining to use of the information.

In the case of the market publications, Association and the authors of the publications are not to be held responsible for any consequences that may arise from the use of the information. Furthermore, the information shall not be construed as legal advice. Original documents should, therefore, always be consulted where appropriate. The information does not release the reader from the responsibility of complying with any relevant legislation, regulations, jurisdiction or changes/updates of same.

In the case of the Internet tools, Association aims at minimising disruption caused by technical errors. However, Association cannot guarantee that its service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by technical problems. Airfreight Exporters Association,Ghana accepts no responsibility with regard to problems incurred as a result of using this site or any linked external sites.

The information provided by Association is aimed at assisting the Association target group, i.e. exporters and business support organizations (BSOs) in Ghana , Association provides this information on a non-commercial basis. Though available for other parties besides the Association target group, these other parties may only take note of the information provided. The information provided by the Association may, therefore, not be used for re-sale, the provision of consultancy services, redistribution, the building of databases or any other activities, on a commercial basis.

For utilisation of the Association information tools by the target group on a non-commercial basis, the condition applies that the Association is referred to as the source of the information. All other use is prohibited, unless explicitly approved in writing by the Association. No party other than Association members is entitled to copy, reproduce, publish and/or distribute information in any way, in whole or in part. Any unauthorised use of the information is prohibited.

The Association uses cookies to collect web statistics. A cookie is a small file which is saved on your computer, so that the next time you visit our website we can serve you better.

No personal data
A cookie consists of a unique number. It does not contain personal data. This means that we cannot use cookies to identify you personally. Similarly we cannot use the cookies to identify you on the websites of third parties.

If you object
If you object to the use of cookies, you can switch them off via the settings in your browser.

Data only used for web statistics
We use the data we collect exclusively for web statistics. This helps us improve our website to meet the needs of our customers. We never pass this data on to third parties.